Sunday, February 17, 2008

A Fresh Start

Last year, in my third year of gardening, I decided that I should keep a journal. I realized that if I documented my failures and successes, then I would not keep re-inventing the wheel.

As I planted yesterday, it occurred to me that I could get a fancy bound journal, but that I will not keep up with it. So, I'm going to keep my records here. I was inspired to keep my journal by Barbara Kingsolver's Animal, Vegetable, Miracle.

Last weekend, I began my planting for the year. I purchased three big terra-cotta pots from Ikea. They've been set up next to our garage doors. (Why in the driveway? Because I forget about my plants and seeing those pots will remind me to water.) I planted Green Arrow peas in the pots and put 4-foot stakes in the pots. Only two have been planted so far, because I ran out of potting soil.

Yesterday, I planted four types of peas in one of my raised beds. I planted Little Marvel, Oregon Giant, Carouby de Mausanne (love these gorgeous heirlooms!), and more Green Arrow. Both Oregon Giant and Carouby are snap peas while Little Marvel and Green Arrow are shell peas. I'm very curious to see how it goes, because I'm trying seeds from Johnny's Selected Seeds and Seed Savers this year. Last year I purchased seed from Gurney's and did not have good success. (I could have attempted to get a refund-- but I decided not to order from them again instead.) My goal is to collect seeds from the Carouby this year, because I picked them up on a whim at Target (the Sean Conway seeds) and they don't carry them this year.

Anyway, there is more to come. I look forward to sharing it with you!

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